Service Opportunities

Here’s your chance to get the full experience of Roundup! Get involved! Be a “part of”! Check back often for updates and new opportunities.

A gopher animal in the grass looking eager.

Gofers are the invisible service workers who make the whole Roundup happen. They clean up, set up, and take down chairs, tables, and anything else that needs to be done.

A happy trash can with arms and legs.

Show appreciation by helping break down tables and chairs after the Sunday meeting.

A cup of coffee with steam rising in the shape of a heart.

Coffee Maker – everyone’s favorite!

A coffee mug with the 'We Are Not Saints' Roundup logo.

Coffee Mug Labeler makes sure your mug is yours.

A carafe pouring coffee into a cup.

Coffee Servers-busy, busy at all meals.

The 'We Are Not Saints' logo for the 2025 Roundup which is the AA symbol with wings and a halo.

Registration handles “at the door” tickets and answers questions.

Generic registration badges in a row

Pre-Registation volunteers greet Roundup guests and distribute pre-bought tickets.

Two people with their arms on each other's shoulders.

Be a Speaker Buddy.

Confetti in the air

Decorations volunteers make centerpieces and turn the fairgrounds into a Roundup.

The Zoom logo

Secretary or co-host a Zoom meeting.

The word FASHION

Volunteer to help our guests look the best in Roundup swag.

Join the recycling team. We monitor the recycle bins. All proceeds go to the Grants Pass Central Office.


Introduced in 1976, the Rogue Roundup is an annual gathering of recovering alcoholics from across the country, in Grants Pass Oregon. Our purpose is fellowship and support of the “primary purpose – to stay sober ourselves and to help others who may turn to us for help in achieving sobriety.”