Committee Meeting

Hi-Lo Club 668 Lincoln Rd, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Hybrid meeting: In-person at HiLo Club and ZOOM 848 4305 7377 PASSWORD: 2024RUTIAS

Pre Roundup Speaker

Josephine County Fairgrounds 1451 Fairgrounds Rd, Grants Pass, OR, United States

FREE to all!  Start your Roundup experience early.

Rogue Roundup

Josephine County Fairgrounds 1451 Fairgrounds Rd, Grants Pass, OR, United States

Join us at the Fairgrounds 1451 Fairgrounds Dr. Grants Pass, OR 97527 or ZOOM

Introduced in 1976, the Rogue Roundup is an annual gathering of recovering alcoholics from across the country, in Grants Pass Oregon. Our purpose is fellowship and support of the “primary purpose – to stay sober ourselves and to help others who may turn to us for help in achieving sobriety.”